“George Halasz and his staff provide excellent court-reporting and videography services throughout Virginia, as well as access to the latest videoconferencing technology that makes taking depositions remotely practical and less expensive. George’s own involvement in the work highlights the personal, local touch, as does his strong and lasting support of the local bar. When needing to take depositions out of state, Halasz has connected us with independent reporting firms which provide similarly excellent service, making the choice to support our local firm an easy one. Halasz’s equal treatment of all clients and strict adherence to the ethical standards of the National Court Reporters Association also make it easy to recommend the firm to colleagues from other states looking for a Virginia reporter, often resulting in rave reviews from those colleagues.” 

-Roman Lifson, Partner, Christian & Barton, LLP

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1011 East Main Street
Suite 100
Richmond, VA 23219

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